Friday, November 5, 2010

Maison Et Objet

I just received my badge invitation for the best fair ever Maison Et Objet in paris, I missed in September because of my very busy schedule but this time I will not miss it because many of my talented friends will be there! If you like design for home fashion  and more this is fair is yours don’t miss it, you don’t have to be professional to visit!
 Thank you guys for the invitation I Love you!!


Gregory said...

I am looking fprward to this my dear sara and i need your opinion in many stuff, i will send you all the documents by monday

Ella said...

Your Welcome my dear ! you will discover the disign of My booth it is just ammmmmazzing SARA and it is Done by Marelle

Pam said...

Tu es chanseuse sara je serai en dehors paris! j'ai adore ton blog

Karen said...

ca ombe bien on change tous le decor de la maison en jamvier lol