Friday, May 29, 2009

Hat on my head

I was wondering why guys with bald head always hide it with a hat or shave it to get a bold head ….but still hide it in a hat..!!!!
I find cute man with bold or bald head!! it is stylish and different specially if he has beautiful eyes!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Comme une girafe.....

Hier je regardai un documentaire a propos des Girafes,
A part sa grande taille de 5 mètres et son long cou de 2 mètres, Un cœur bien particulier aussi, 11 kg environ….Une girafe ne se couche pratiquement jamais et qu'elle dort debout, sans jamais s'endormir complètement plus de 20 minutes….
Je me suis rendu compte que nous sommes comme les girafes….les gens qui s’endorme au Metro en voiture en mangeant a table ,debout dans une longue queue a l’aéroport ou sur une caisse de supermarché , au travail……. et le soir quand on est au lit c'est l insomnie total …
la vie d’une girafe est moins complique que la notre …malgré son long cou de deux mètres……

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Le Virus LVMH..

Toute les femmes de l’Asie l’Europe l’Amérique sont atteintes par ce virus, un virus assez beau et élégant, un virus qui coute vraiment une fortune, on le trouve dans différentes forme et couleurs, moi qui est amoureuse des sacs cette couleur classique de Louis Vuitton qui cartonnent dans tous le monde même en copies…. c pas mon truc….j’aime plus les couleurs gaie....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oups i did it again!

Maybe mistakes are what make our fate... without them what would shape our lives? Maybe if we had never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, have babies, or be who we are. After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away

Monday, May 25, 2009

Use absence to increase respect and honor

Law 15- use absence to increase respect and honor
Too much circulation makes the price go down: the more common you are seen and heard from , the more common you appear. If you are already established in a group, temporary withdrawal from it will make you more talked about even more admired. You must learn when to leave….create value through scarcity.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The dream is this:

We’ll be happy when we reach our goals
Find the guy, finish our internship..That’s the dream
Then we got there.
And if we’re human we immediately start dreaming of something else….
Because if this is the dream…
Then we’d like to wake up!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Inspired by one of a Lebanese bloggers Tarek the following is a list of what would be 3M post-its that I would stick around in different places of my life with motivational notes for me!

At work on my Desk An PC:

"Work Here is boring I have to find another job"
"high heels is uncomfortable I need my converse"
"All those papers are waiting me"
"My boss never listen"
"He is always busy and always online"
"what to have on lunch"
"La dolce vita"
“Stop calling me chitany”
“I miss you Karrouna”
“I love my blog”
“why she is looking like that”
“what to write on the board ?”
“ Never judge a book by its cover”
“ I am almost perfect”
“ He reads me and never comment”

On My lunch break

“ I need a big cup of coffe”
“Diet coke will be great”
“ Big dark chocolate cake or a tiramisu”
“we are late for the boss”
“ Valerie never stop talking”
“I want to go home”

At the gym:

"I have to stop losing my klgs"
"I love dancing"
"People are here only for long chat"
"I love his eyes”
"You come here too much"
"He is taking a box courses"
"This coach is stupid"
"You think you are Isadora Duncan? "
"I am hungry now"
“ My ipod is On to my hand”
"I love my I Pod ...Steve jobs is genius"

In the car, Metro Buss:

"we are different"
"I hate traffic"
"I love reading in the Metro"
"They always asked me if i am lebanese because of the Pins on my bag"
"My dad flag is famous"
"I love Lebanon"
"I love Paris"
"Mom Is right"

In my bedroom

"I love it it is my world ?"
"I have to change some decoration for summer"
"I have to finish reading that book"
"Stop shopping"
"I miss Jeddo"
“ My piano missed my fingers”
“I love those DVDS”
"What to write tomorrow"
"He is stubborn arrogant and smart but he is interested"
"Just take a Black chocolate if you can't sleep"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our History....

Some people believe that without history our lives amount to nothing
At some point we all have to choose…
Do we fall back on what we know?
Or do we step forward to do something new?
It is hard to be haunted by our past .
Our history is what shapes us what guide us.
Our history resurfaces time after time after time.
So we have to remember ……
Sometimes the most important history is the history we are making TODAY

Monday, May 18, 2009


Too often, the thing you want the most is the one thing you can’t have …
Desires leaves us heartbroken it wears us out
Desire can wreck your life
But as tough as wanting something can be…..The people who suffer the most…..are those who don’t know what they want

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Situation is Fine!!

The economic situation in Lebanon is just fine, shopping malls are everywhere, tourists are coming back, political parties preparing for elections with huge budgets and lot of creativity… Lebanese are watching Series from desperate housewives to prison break and ..they are sending to friends copies….Oh yea I got (greys anatomy) and( Brothers and sisters) each DVD for 2000 Lebanese Pound or 1.35 Euro when you can have each series from Fnac or Amazon for 40 Euro! When your going there bring with you as a souvenir a Cedar tree, the Lebanese flag but dont miss those DVD's for your free time :)
Eh oui La Bas C La vie en ROSE, mais aussi Bleu ,Vert,Orange Et jaune parfois NOIR……

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Law 15- crush your enemy totally

All great leaders since moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) if one ember is left alright, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. more is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: the enemy will recover and will seek revenge. Crush him not only in body but in spirit.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The prayer

There is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don’t want to accept. The power of the prayer comes from it's insight into human nature. Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us. Because so many of us are cowardly. And afraid to stand up for what is right. Because so many of us give into despair when faced with an impossible choice. The good news for those who utter these words is that God will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that sometimes the answer is NO.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We all think we’re going to be great.
And we feel a little bite robbed when our expectations aren’t met.
But sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected.
We gotta wonder why we cling to our expectations?
Because the expected is just what keeps us steady standing still
The expected is just the beginning
The unexpected……….is what changes our lives.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ma reponse : SOIS BELLE......

Apres mon poste sur le slogan AUNISTE que je respecte, ma boite de lettre a ete remplie des gens contres et d'autres pour.... la je me permet de repondre aux gens qui sont contre mon dernier blog comme Issam, Bero,Sami,Jade,walid,Ahmed,Sami et Estelle

Dans mon blog je n’ai rien explique et je suis désaccord avec tous se qui se passent au Liban entre toutes les parties politique, mais j’ai copié cet article en faveur d’une collègue a moi libre et intelligente que j’adore.

Les femmes libanaises n’ont pas besoin des AOUNISTES ou des futuriste ou des Forces Libanaise de leur inciter a voter car elles votent toujours et même elles sont dans le parlement libanais ce qui rend la femme libanaise differente d’une autre saoudienne ou Iranienne...

Chers AUNISTE avec tous mon respect pour les Auniste et pour Aoun ce slogan dois être afficher en Arabie Saoudite ou Iran pas au Liban , les femmes libanaise sont belles , intelligentes et libre et même elles sont prête a mourir pour ce grand pays….

Friday, May 8, 2009


It’s impossible to grasp just how powerful love is. It can sustain us through trying times or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices. It can force decent men to commit the darkest deeds or compel ordinary women to search for hidden truths and long after we’re gone, love remains burned into our memories. We all search for love, but some of us, after we found it, wish we hadn’t!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sois Belle et vote...Tu As Voté Tais Toi

Une Amie Libanaise a moi m'a envoye un e mail en me demandant le publier sur mon blog a propos des campagnes publicitaire sur l'election 7 juin 2009 au Liban, cet campagne est une reponse sur le slogan Aunist SOIS BELLE ET VOTE

a toi NEYLA.....

1-Nous savons que le vrai slogan dis: (Sois belle et tais toi), Alors ce qu’on comprend par extention: ( tu as voté alors Tais toi).
Ce slogan est très utilitariste, et donne l’impression de s’intéresser qu’aux statistiques et au taux de participation !
2-Qu’en est-il des femmes qui ont d’autres atouts que la beauté ??
Nous voulons que les femmes Libanaises fassent un vote intelligent et juste, plutôt que voter et de ce taire pendant 4ans. Les femmes Libanaises, sans exceptions, qu’elle soit belles ou laides, doivent jouir du droit de s’exprimer et de faire leur choix
3- La beauté et la laideur n’étant pas un critère de vote pour des élections législatives dans un pays démocratique, ce slogan prouve implicitement, que le rôle des partisans au sein du courant Patriotique Libre (CPL), est inexistant, voir inefficace, réduit au simple besoin de leurs voter !!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Wish...

I WISH MEANS: wouldn't be nice if...
If you always make the right decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else.
Always wishing life was different 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Clock Ticking....

Time flies…
Time waits for no man
Time heals all wounds
All any of us more TIME
Time to stand up...
Time to grow up...
Time to let Go...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tendances Mode Ete 2009

ORIENTAL-TRIBAL tour du monde pour style ethnique : riches broderies colorés (dans le style mexicain, slave ou indien), motifs cachemire et tye and die, robes à col bijoux type plastron, semelles compensées en liège ou bois, pastilles et pièces brodées, panier de paille, gros bracelets, robes longues et tuniques à fleurs, crochet, foulards, spartiates, panama et canotier, robe et tunique esprit caftan...