Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Name is Chrysalidocarpus

When i was in my vacation, I saw this plant that I love  but i never knew its name until i asked le maitre d’hotel so i google it to find out about that beautiful plant I guess my house will be full of it !

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens is a very common sight in the tropics and sub-tropics. It is often taken for granted but deserves more recognition and appreciation. Chrysalidocarpus can grow up to 20 feet tall, although it is usually smaller. Six to eight leaves on long petioles (leaf stems) arise from the main trunk and gracefully arch outward and downward. Each leaf has about 80-100 leaflets that are arranged on the leaf stem in a shallow V. The common name derives from the beautiful golden yellow color of the petioles.

The golden cane palm is native to Madagascar where, sadly, it is endangered and very rare. However it is very common in tropical landscapes around the world and is the most popular 'house plant' palm. Will grow in sun or shade but looks its best in bright diffuse light.


C.M said...

I loved it
My chelet will b full of it my faqra house my Beirut House even my YACHT LOL
No seriously it is Great

sara barakat said...

Carlos!!! T TOI !!!