Etre une victime de la mode peut non seulement affaiblir son compte en banque mais aussi son état de santé. Entre les talons hauts qui font mal aux dos et les bijoux fantaisie qui provoquent des réactions allergiques, il est important de savoir ménager son capital santé tout en restant à la pointe des tendances.
Les sacs à mains larges peuvent causer des douleurs au dos et au cou, car ils maintiennent un poids sur les épaules et le cou. Shazia Khan recommande donc d'éviter de porter des sacs de plus de 4,5 kilos.
Elle conseille plutôt des petits sacs, fabriqués avec des matériaux légers, ou encore des sacs à dos, car le poids est réparti sur l'ensemble du dos et des épaules.
Elle conseille aux femmes qui ne peuvent pas s'empêcher de porter des sacs énormes de faire des exercices pour muscler le cou, le dos et les épaules.
Les gros sacs à mains entraîneraient aussi un risque lié au transport des bactéries comme l'E. coli, une bactérie intestinale, ou le staphylococcus aureus.
"Les femmes portent et déposent leurs sacs n'importe où. Elles devraient le laver régulièrement pour se protéger des bactéries",
Même si les chaussures à talons hauts ont une image glamour en partie grâce à Hollywood, les femmes qui marchent en permanence avec ces stilettos peuvent développer des problèmes de dos et de cheville sur le long terme.
"Les talons hauts entraînent une pression sur la voûte plantaire", explique Shazia Khan. Cette pression pourrait entraîner des oignons, et des douleurs aux pieds, au dos et aux chevilles.
Les talons hauts pourraient aussi entraîner des douleurs aux muscles des mollets et contribuer à des problèmes aux genoux.
Elle conseille aux femmes qui portent des chaussures à talons en permanence de changer de type de chaussures de temps en temps.
Elle conseille aussi d'alterner la taille des talons pour empêcher d'endommager le tendon d'Achille, et de choisir des talons larges, plus stables. Autre recommandation: choisir des chaussures qui permettent aux orteils de bouger.
Elle conseille aussi d'acheter ses chaussures à la fin de la journée, quand le pied a gonflé naturellement, pour ne pas choisir de modèle trop serré.
Enfin, les ongles en acrylique peuvent abriter des bactéries et des champignons, qui peuvent causer des infections. Pour l'éviter, l'ongle devrait être hydraté et poli.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My TOXIC Friends
Here are 5 possible signs of toxicity to watch out for:
1) Are you too needy? Are you always the one who asks to get together? Are you the one putting forth all the effort in the relationship? Friendships need to be reciprocal. Even an ideal relationship may not be balanced every day or even every year but there's a give-and-take that evens out over time. If you are constantly asking for attention, advice, support, time or even material favors from your friend, or are demanding more than they're able to handle, it's not unreasonable for them to grow weary of your neediness.
2) Are you too volatile? Do you blow-up each time things don't go your way or do you tend to hide your feelings until they spew out when they can no longer be contained? No one likes to be with a friend who is intense, unpredictable, and seething, or who is unwilling or unable to work out little problems (before they become big ones) by talking about them.
3) Are you too moody? Everyone has his or her ups and downs but it's difficult to be with a moody person no matter what the relationship. Are you always in the throes of depression? Are you so energetic to the point that you exhaust the people around you? If your moods seem too intense for others to bear or if your moods cycle rapidly, it may be off-putting.
4) Are you too blunt or invasive? Are you the type of person that always says what's on your mind and expresses every thought totally unvarnished? Do you probe and ask questions regardless of whether your friend is ready to answer them. Are you so pushy that you make friends squirm in their seats? Close friends need to be kind and respectful of each other's feelings, not say everything that comes to mind, and be sensitive to and responsive to the lines their friends draw around them.
5) Are you too insecure? Do your friends always make you feel one down to the point that you feel like you need to brag, lie or aggrandize your own situation? Do you hold back or feel too shy to talk, to disagree, or to set boundaries? Are you unable to talk about things that are important to you? If most people make you feel this way, you need to look inside and see how you can make yourself feel better.
If you have lost a friend or two in succession, it may not be anything to worry about. But when you begin to recognize a pattern of lost friendships, one after another, intermittently, or very often, it's time to take notice and at least consider the possibility that it's you, not her :O)
1) Are you too needy? Are you always the one who asks to get together? Are you the one putting forth all the effort in the relationship? Friendships need to be reciprocal. Even an ideal relationship may not be balanced every day or even every year but there's a give-and-take that evens out over time. If you are constantly asking for attention, advice, support, time or even material favors from your friend, or are demanding more than they're able to handle, it's not unreasonable for them to grow weary of your neediness.
2) Are you too volatile? Do you blow-up each time things don't go your way or do you tend to hide your feelings until they spew out when they can no longer be contained? No one likes to be with a friend who is intense, unpredictable, and seething, or who is unwilling or unable to work out little problems (before they become big ones) by talking about them.
3) Are you too moody? Everyone has his or her ups and downs but it's difficult to be with a moody person no matter what the relationship. Are you always in the throes of depression? Are you so energetic to the point that you exhaust the people around you? If your moods seem too intense for others to bear or if your moods cycle rapidly, it may be off-putting.
4) Are you too blunt or invasive? Are you the type of person that always says what's on your mind and expresses every thought totally unvarnished? Do you probe and ask questions regardless of whether your friend is ready to answer them. Are you so pushy that you make friends squirm in their seats? Close friends need to be kind and respectful of each other's feelings, not say everything that comes to mind, and be sensitive to and responsive to the lines their friends draw around them.
5) Are you too insecure? Do your friends always make you feel one down to the point that you feel like you need to brag, lie or aggrandize your own situation? Do you hold back or feel too shy to talk, to disagree, or to set boundaries? Are you unable to talk about things that are important to you? If most people make you feel this way, you need to look inside and see how you can make yourself feel better.
If you have lost a friend or two in succession, it may not be anything to worry about. But when you begin to recognize a pattern of lost friendships, one after another, intermittently, or very often, it's time to take notice and at least consider the possibility that it's you, not her :O)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Proud to be a women
I promised you that I will post about the worst gift that I will get in my birthday, in fact I did not received any bad one I loved it all and those are my favorites, a great friend of mine gave me some of these bags
I want to continue the collection ...some are with funky design others kitsch, my favorite is I am proud to be a women by Diane von FURTENBERG
aren’t we!
I want to continue the collection ...some are with funky design others kitsch, my favorite is I am proud to be a women by Diane von FURTENBERG
aren’t we!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Play the Perfect Courtier !
Law 24-Play the Perfect Courtier
The perfect courtier thrives in a world where everything revolves around power and political dexterity. He has mastered the art of indirection; he flatters, yields to superiors, and asserts power over others in the mot oblique and graceful manner. Learn and apply the laws of courtiership and there will be no limit to how far you can rise in the court.
The perfect courtier thrives in a world where everything revolves around power and political dexterity. He has mastered the art of indirection; he flatters, yields to superiors, and asserts power over others in the mot oblique and graceful manner. Learn and apply the laws of courtiership and there will be no limit to how far you can rise in the court.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do. In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame. There are others who soothe their consciences with small acts of kindness... or by telling themselves their sins are justified. Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time, and pray for forgiveness. Sometimes, their prayers are answered.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Very nice movie that shows you coco before her succes her private life.... great pictures great acting, so elegant - a beautiful film about a great women who kept the clothing she designed simple, comfortable and revealing. Unlike most designers in Europe, she kept the woman inside the clothes at the center of her creations. "I gave women a sense of freedom; I gave them back their bodies: bodies that were drenched in sweat, due to fashion's finery, lace, corsets, underclothes, padding
I would recommend seeing it
I would recommend seeing it
Friday, September 18, 2009
A vos marques, prêtes ? Courez !
Eh oui, elle revient !
La seconde édition de la course en escarpins aura lieu cette année le 20 novembre.
Cerise sur le gâteau en ce qui me concerne, j'ai l'insigne honneur d'être à nouveau marraine de cet événement. Tâche que je partage fort heureusement avec deux acolytes anonymes, ou presque.
Grande nouveauté cette année : s'il est toujours question de courir perchée sur des talons de 8 cm minimum, la sélection des équipes se fera via une tournée en province :
■Lille le lundi 21 septembre 2009 de 13h à 17h, Place des Buisses
■Lyon le mercredi 23 septembre de 13h à 17h, Place de la République
■Marseille le jeudi 24 septembre de 13h à 17h, Cours d’Estienne d’Orves
■Toulouse le vendredi 25 septembre de 13h à 17h, Place Saint-Georges
■Bordeaux le samedi 26 septembre de 13h à 17h, Allées de Tourny
La seconde édition de la course en escarpins aura lieu cette année le 20 novembre.
Cerise sur le gâteau en ce qui me concerne, j'ai l'insigne honneur d'être à nouveau marraine de cet événement. Tâche que je partage fort heureusement avec deux acolytes anonymes, ou presque.
Grande nouveauté cette année : s'il est toujours question de courir perchée sur des talons de 8 cm minimum, la sélection des équipes se fera via une tournée en province :
■Lille le lundi 21 septembre 2009 de 13h à 17h, Place des Buisses
■Lyon le mercredi 23 septembre de 13h à 17h, Place de la République
■Marseille le jeudi 24 septembre de 13h à 17h, Cours d’Estienne d’Orves
■Toulouse le vendredi 25 septembre de 13h à 17h, Place Saint-Georges
■Bordeaux le samedi 26 septembre de 13h à 17h, Allées de Tourny
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Oh Yea today it is my birthday , ok i am virgo
- Analytical
- Observant
- Helpful
- Reliable
- Precise
unfortunatly i am :
- Skeptical
- Fussy
- Inflexible
- Cold
- Interfering
With my friends
People look up to Virgo for friends because they are straight thinkers and solve problems logically. They are truthful, loyal and determined. Some people might find them cold or emotionally detached because they live in their minds, not in their emotions and feelings. It might be hard to pin down how a Virgo friend is feeling because they easily live in denial. A person who is able to read deep into another person will notice when Virgo is not well but if they confront them about it, they would rather retreat then talk about it. It is best to keep your emotional distance from a Virgo friend unless they open up to you first. Virgo might try to analyze and control a friend's life but only with the idea that they will improve their life, not purely for the sake of controlling. Be patient with your Virgo friend and understand that their recommendations are only to make your life better.
Now i know why my boss loves my work because i am a Virgo:
Virgos are very intelligent, they have an excellent memory and a highly analytical mind. This makes them good investigators and researchers. They also have the ability to probe into a person's emotions and they can often see into people and detect what their motives are. This makes them great policemen or interrogators. Virgos are very good at problem solving, this is what they do best. They are confronted with a problem, they will pick apart the pieces and put it together in the proper order. They are rational thinkers and are good at settling other people's disputes and putting them on the right track for reconciliation. Any position that requires the above features, which is a very long list, is perfect for the Virgo. They keep the world in order.
- Analytical
- Observant
- Helpful
- Reliable
- Precise
unfortunatly i am :
- Skeptical
- Fussy
- Inflexible
- Cold
- Interfering
With my friends
People look up to Virgo for friends because they are straight thinkers and solve problems logically. They are truthful, loyal and determined. Some people might find them cold or emotionally detached because they live in their minds, not in their emotions and feelings. It might be hard to pin down how a Virgo friend is feeling because they easily live in denial. A person who is able to read deep into another person will notice when Virgo is not well but if they confront them about it, they would rather retreat then talk about it. It is best to keep your emotional distance from a Virgo friend unless they open up to you first. Virgo might try to analyze and control a friend's life but only with the idea that they will improve their life, not purely for the sake of controlling. Be patient with your Virgo friend and understand that their recommendations are only to make your life better.
Now i know why my boss loves my work because i am a Virgo:
Virgos are very intelligent, they have an excellent memory and a highly analytical mind. This makes them good investigators and researchers. They also have the ability to probe into a person's emotions and they can often see into people and detect what their motives are. This makes them great policemen or interrogators. Virgos are very good at problem solving, this is what they do best. They are confronted with a problem, they will pick apart the pieces and put it together in the proper order. They are rational thinkers and are good at settling other people's disputes and putting them on the right track for reconciliation. Any position that requires the above features, which is a very long list, is perfect for the Virgo. They keep the world in order.
Ok now you know how perfect is to be a virgo :O)....
My age mmmmmmmmmmmm i am over 20
Ok and i am posting about my birthday cause some VIPs friends did not wishes me yet a happy birthday not even an e mail and i am happy they did not because tomorow were gona have a big fight lol..
Now i am going to my party and waiting my gifts and as usual i will pick the worst Gift that i will recieve and post it here heheheh
c u later :O)
Monday, September 14, 2009
We don’t need to wear animals!
We don’t need to wear animals to be warm or to feel comfortable. Fur farms and the people who trap and use animals for clothing are purveyors of the most unspeakable horrors. In the process of becoming a coat the bones of a fox, chinchilla, or mink go snap, crackle, and pop as they are tortured unrelentingly and unnecessarily. The number of animal skins needed to make a 40-inch fur coat may surprise you — 60 mink, 50 muskrats, 42 red foxes, 40 raccoons, 20 badgers, 18 lynx, 16 coyotes, and 15 beavers. According to animal activist Camilla Fox (Founder of Project Coyote), globally, more than 50 million animals a year continue to be killed for their fur. Although the number of wild animals trapped in the United States has decreased from nearly 14 million in 1987 to fewer than 4 million in 2005, increasing overseas fur markets and the growing popularity of fur trim could reverse this trend. (It's interesting to note that many former fur trappers, unable to profit from their trade, have switched to “nuisance” or “damage control” trapping, a fast-growing, highly unregulated industry capitalizing on increased urban/suburban conflicts with wildlife and employing the same body-gripping traps used in fur trapping.) read more here
Friday, September 11, 2009
American Girl
Today I met the American Girl …oh yes she came from New York to my desk wrapped with a nice paper with a happy birthday card…oh yea you can laugh now ….I got this doll for my early birthday, and the problem is no sender name on it ….OMG a gift on my birthday fine.. from an unknown sender it is a déjà vue…. BUT A DOLL and from the USA !!!!!WHYYYYYYYYY? and what is the message from that gift! Now I will tell you a something when I got it I get upset but now here is the BIG PROBLEM I am loving this doll and she is sleeping in my bed ! I want to thank the crazy sender for that gift and on his birthday I will make sure that he will receive a potty!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Back to school
Today when coming here I saw some students going back to school soo happy, i bet it is there first day, I just remember how I loved the first day at school to see all my friends..... but the best part was the preparations for that day: new stuff, new bag new pencils etc I loved that part and it tooks me ages to chose my bag heheh....Now I knew that I was a shopping girl even when kid :O)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My Name is Chrysalidocarpus
When i was in my vacation, I saw this plant that I love but i never knew its name until i asked le maitre d’hotel so i google it to find out about that beautiful plant I guess my house will be full of it !
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens is a very common sight in the tropics and sub-tropics. It is often taken for granted but deserves more recognition and appreciation. Chrysalidocarpus can grow up to 20 feet tall, although it is usually smaller. Six to eight leaves on long petioles (leaf stems) arise from the main trunk and gracefully arch outward and downward. Each leaf has about 80-100 leaflets that are arranged on the leaf stem in a shallow V. The common name derives from the beautiful golden yellow color of the petioles.
The golden cane palm is native to Madagascar where, sadly, it is endangered and very rare. However it is very common in tropical landscapes around the world and is the most popular 'house plant' palm. Will grow in sun or shade but looks its best in bright diffuse light.
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens is a very common sight in the tropics and sub-tropics. It is often taken for granted but deserves more recognition and appreciation. Chrysalidocarpus can grow up to 20 feet tall, although it is usually smaller. Six to eight leaves on long petioles (leaf stems) arise from the main trunk and gracefully arch outward and downward. Each leaf has about 80-100 leaflets that are arranged on the leaf stem in a shallow V. The common name derives from the beautiful golden yellow color of the petioles.
The golden cane palm is native to Madagascar where, sadly, it is endangered and very rare. However it is very common in tropical landscapes around the world and is the most popular 'house plant' palm. Will grow in sun or shade but looks its best in bright diffuse light.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Never leave that till tomorrow
“A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying.”
Friday, September 4, 2009
Concentrate your forces
Law23- Concentrate your forces:
Conserve your forces and energies by keeping them concentrated at their strongest point. You gain more by finding a rich mine and mining it deeper than by flitting from one shallow mine to another-intensity defeats extensity every time. When looking for sources of power to elevate you, find the one key patron , the fat cow who will give you milk for a long time to come
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Adoptez le pantalon "dégaine"
J’ai découvert pendant mes vacances ce Pantalon dans les magazines modes et dans les grandes surfaces , je me suis dises c la mode et si j’aime ou pas je vais le porter….et voila je suis au bureau et je porte un , c confortable en bougeant mais je me sens bizarre !!! tous le monde l’a adore sauf papa ….ca a l’air il me va :O) et vous aussi si vous l’aimez ou pas, pour être mode, il faut adopter le pantalon « dégaine ». !
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Dining Blind
There is an enormous amount of trust we show to strangers without even paying attention to it: the pilot flying your airplane, the chef preparing your dinner, or the taxi driver taking you across town. We often trust strangers with our lives, blind to their identities or intentions. We do this because most of the time it works out just fine??!!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I am HAPPY and you have to be!
So, what makes happy people, well, happy people? It seems that happy people tend to have a few things in common. Very happy people are found to be very social, and have stronger romantic and social relationships with others than less-happy people. Research has also found happy people to be energetic, decisive, creative, social, trusting, loving, and responsive. Rather than being strongly linked to external characteristics like socioeconomic status, gender or age, happiness is more positively associated with having a philosophical view of life, using laughter and humor, being able to relate to others, having problem-solving skills, engaging in meaningful pursuits and leisure activities, living in a positive environment, and maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle.
Secrets to Being Happy
There are several routes to happiness. Some are quick and bring immediate positive feelings, and others take more time and bring lasting and repeated feelings of happiness. The following resources bring several strategies from both categories, which can help you become -- and stay -- one of the world’s happy people. It is my first day at work after a longgg break and i am happy!!so Be happy!
Secrets to Being Happy
There are several routes to happiness. Some are quick and bring immediate positive feelings, and others take more time and bring lasting and repeated feelings of happiness. The following resources bring several strategies from both categories, which can help you become -- and stay -- one of the world’s happy people. It is my first day at work after a longgg break and i am happy!!so Be happy!
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