Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Seduction is next

After my old book 48 laws of power that i am posting every week , yesturday i spot a gondol of books in my library SEDUCTION, so when you will get the power from the old book we will start the seduction one so you will be powerful and seductive...
Almost perfect!!!
I know many of my friends hates the law of power...but it is life..

Be ready!


Nasa said...

sara, looking at ur eyes makes us learn z art of seduction without z need 2 read anythg else. Reading ur eyes gives us z idea of the irresistible seduction zt ur eyes have on us.

C.M said...

Nasa said it all!

Serpico said...

Would you like to go for a coffee sometime?
(this would be the first law of your next book :P)

Anonymous said...

am gonna wait to read and find out if something missed me from what i learned before about seduction.